

April 1. 2021

Guidance for Visitors:

o All visits must be booked ahead.

o All visitors must be screened prior to visiting and sign out when leaving.

o Please follow respiratory and infection control measures at all times.

o Appropriate masks must be worn while at the facility, both inside and outside. We will provide these masks.o Visitors are asked to perform hand hygiene regularly while on site. If you need to use the washroom, please use the common washrooms located in the hallways outside each neighborhood.

o Bistro will not be available for the visitors, residents or tenants at this time. Please do not try to access the Bistro.

o Please do not go anywhere else in the building other than going directly to your designated visiting area and follow the same when leaving.

o Please avoid any unnecessary touching of any surfaces in the common areas and in the resident’s rooms/suites.

o Please do not try to contact any other resident or tenant other than your loved one.

o Please refrain from eating or drinking while on site. To do so requires the removal of masks which increases the risk of spread.

o Visitors needing water can request a glass of water from the staff. This will require removal of your mask to drink, please ask for access to an outdoor space to drink the water where it is safe to remove your mask (i.e., there should be no one in 6 feet proximity).

o If you need to speak to the staff, please call at later time or if immediate assistance required please use the emergency call system. Please do not go out looking for the staff.

o We are currently unable to accommodate areas for walking on regular basis due to weather. Please ask staff for assistance to access the patios when weather permits.

  • -  To avoid exposure, to follow safety protocols and our sanitizing procedures we will be unable to accommodate any guests or family members in the dining room for any given reason. Visitors are not allowed to access the serveries or fridges.

  • -  Please note that for any food or other items, we are following the previous routine to drop the items including packaged food and we will deliver everything to appropriate destination after sanitizing.

Outings away from The Residence at Morgan Heights:

- What has changed?

o Residents are now permitted to leave the facility with family for outings and visits. These outings must follow the current Medical Health Order in place for all British Columbians. This currently includes visiting outside instead of inside, maintaining social distance, and wearing a medical mask. If you choose to share a meal, these should be outside and distanced, with no shared food (i.e., dips or shared bowls).

- What has not changed?

o Residents and accompanying family member must wear medial masks and practice social distancing and hand hygiene while out and change their clothing upon return to the facility.

o Public transportation and taxis continue to be considered high risk locations and should be avoided. Personal cars and Handy DART continue to be considered safe.

o Residents are required to sign out and sign in to facilitate contact tracing.

Services & Care

At The Residence at Morgan Heights seniors benefit from a client-centered approach which starts by identifying the individual needs of each senior.

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If you are inquiring about a resident care position with The Residence at Morgan Heights, please email or fax your resume to our administration office.

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Contact Us

The Residence at Morgan Heights
15955 27th Avenue, Surrey BC, V3Z 3W3 Canada
Phone: 604-535-1118 or 604-862-5302

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